Individual Therapy

What is Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy (“psychotherapy” or “counseling”) is a process by which clients and a trained therapist work on-on-one to examine emotions, beliefs, thoughts, memories, and behaviors in the context of an effort to understand oneself. set personal goals, and work toward making positive life changes.  It is a collaborative process, one in which you work closely with your therapist to determine the course of treatment that is most agreeable and productive for you.

People seek therapy for many reasons: working through major life challenges, processing a history of trauma, dealing with depression or anxiety, improving coping skills, or managing relationships in a healthier way. Many pursue individual therapy simply seeking personal growth, greater self-knowledge, or improved self-esteem. Depending on each client’s unique situation and personal goals, individual therapy may last for a few sessions or as long as several years, but typically lasts between five and ten sessions.

Dr. Buzan provides individual therapy in a warm, empathetic, and understanding interpersonal environment, while challenging you to identify and change those factors that create or maintain the difficulties that you are experiencing. Each therapy session is tailored for you as an individual, and together we will work diligently to help you meet your goals.